Monday, December 24, 2007

Meet Me in St. Louis

Here are some pictures from yesterday and today....

This is mainly what Arizona and New Mexico looked like. We are so grateful for the clear skies, we've not encountered any troubling weather at this point in our journey!

Nandi has a cozy spot. Not too crowded. She is certainly sick of being back there! I think she really would love to just stick her head out of the window!

This is the moon rising over Texas!! So beautiful!

Dad started driving this morning. He's concentrating very hard.

Nandi finds a place much better than the backseat.

She is making herself at home. I am certain dad would rather have some leg room though!

Beautiful sunset in Missouri! We had a long day today. We clocked over 12 hours of driving, we drove from Amarillo to St. Louis (actually we are in a place called Pontoon Beach, IL!). Tomorrow we will be home in time for Christmas dinner!!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Destination Revised...

Well, we only made it to Amarillo, TX. It was a long day indeed! Dad and I did fine, the dog on the other hand... She was okay until the printer fell on top of her, but she recovered quite nicely. I'll
have picture tomorrow night. Until then here are some other recent good-bye pictures...

Dave having fun with Einstein at the Griffith Observatory!

Fun lunch with Fulya and Nataly!

Jessica helping amidst all of the boxes! (Thank you Jess!!)

The girls and I had a great time!

The IT guys being IT guys!! Looking good Andrew!

Thank you for letting me have the window seat!!

Stay tuned for more!!!

Homeward Bound

I have started my journey back to my homeland: Wisconsin!! Getting everything ready was a lot of work. It has already been proven worthwhile a thousand times over! Here are some shots of the move:

I used the 6 feet of space I had been quoted for! Not bad. My dad and I got off to a late start yesterday. We only made it to Kingman, AZ. Today we are off to Oklahoma!!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Big Bear Mountain

We decided to escape the intense heat of Los Angeles and spend a night in Big Bear. We were all ready to go canoing and play in the water. We had no idea that it would be extremely overcast with thunderstorms! We were so thankful for the cool weather that we did not mind so much about the gloominess.

A long time ago we went to NASCAR!

It was ages ago that we went to NASCAR, actually it was Labor Day weekend! I wish the pictures could convey just how HOT it was! Thankfully we were in an air conditioned suite. I had never been to NASCAR nor had I ever watched it on TV. I had a surprisingly good time! We were right above pit row. This is the view we had...

The most amazing portion was watching the pit crew work on these cars. It is a finely choreographed dance.

This is where the cars entered the speedway.

The most amazing sunset.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

He is home!

After a day of drinking juice Zane was finally able to eat some food. He picked pancakes and contintued eating even though his stomach hurt. Poor thing probably thought they weren't going to feed him again. Here he is with his pancakes!

He was in really great spirits.

Goggles brought her little one to the hospital to visit. Isn't he adorable?

I love it when he squishes up his nose!!

Here he is finally free of the IV bags!!

On Friday they finally were able to go home. Zane going stir crazy? He took to walking around with his feet in these washbasins!

Here he is at home. Nina and Zane are thrilled to be home. They will be continuing with his follow up care by going back to Milwaukee for check ups.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

3 Cheers for Apple Juice!

Zane was able to drink apple juice today. The doctor said if it went well that he would be able to have food tomorrow. Nina told me that he drank a lot of juice really fast. Then he got a stomach ache, then Nina could actually see his belly rumbling (ew), and then he felt better! What a success! He was on fire today, he wanted to play, and go to the park, and play, and did I mention go to the park? My grandparents came to visit, as well as my cousin and her little girl. My family would like to thank everyone for their prayers, phone calls, visits, and support. It means so much to all of us.

I will post today's pictures tomorrow morning.

Update: Here are the photos...

The quality of this photo isn't great, but he is just so gosh darn cute with a clown nose!!

Monday, October 22, 2007

He's feeling better...

The doctor's are saying that he is healing faster than expected. However it will still be a long process. He was full of energy today, in fact he has colored all over his sheets, apparently he will not be contained by coloring books. He got the pic line today and this evening they started using it for his nutrients and fluids.

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Here he is in the playroom. He looks so skinny.
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He loves Mr. Potato Head.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Send Good Thoughts

My nephew is very ill. It turns out that he has a fractured pancreas and will be at the Children's Hospital in Milwaukee for the next week or so. He is in fairly good spirits today, and all he wants to do is eat (part of the healing process includes giving his digestive system a break by not eating or drinking). The doctors are busy trying to find out how this happened. Stay tuned for more news.

Here he is at the emergency room.
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His hand is splinted so the IV will stay in.

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He is starting to get spunky again!

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Coloring and healing is hard work.

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Tomorrow they will put a direct line into his chest. They will be able to draw blood, give him nutrients, and fluids through this line. It will also free up his hands so he can color, put together puzzles and many other things 3 year olds like to do!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Stay tuned for more posts...

I have been so busy since my last post that I have completely neglected my blog. Stay tuned for posts about my following adventures
  • NASCAR, yes really!
  • Big Bear Mountain
  • Downtown Los Angeles shenanigans
  • Our weekend in San Francisco
  • Our fun filled long weekend in Indiana for Amanda's wedding

Thursday, August 30, 2007

On Wisconsin

We went to Wisconsin for my Grandparent's 60th wedding anniversary!! 60 years, can you believe it? It's always nice to go home and see everyone. I got a lot of pictures of the nephew, but not anyone else. Please see previous post regarding not taking enough photos. He's three now, and I suppose at that age they do not know how to smile naturally on demand. Check out some of the photos with his huge smile and squished up nose.

Here is a natural one, we took him to the Children's Museum and he was very interested in everything that was going on.

He loves, loves, loves fire trucks!

This is perhaps my favorite picture! He is not doing the forced smiling, he's mimicking the giant mouth!


These last three photos are from the dinner we had to celebrate my Grandparent's anniversary. So handsome.

Lookin' good sister!

Look at that stained glass's a car!!